See resize.f2fs(8) for supported options. Okay, so i'm at the resizing stage in 'parted', i type 'resize 4' since it's the 4th partition, currently it begins at 23.7GB, and ends at 160GB. As one example, on a flash drive with 512B sectors, Parted wanted partitions to start on sectors that were a multiple of 2048, which is 1 MiB alignment. respectively), when i create /home2, what file system do i use? Shrink and move the home and swap partition appropriately, resize root.This is quite trivial to do visually with something like  a GParted live disk. Last edited by playdafunkimuzic (2009-01-19 05:35:17) Offline #2 2009-01-19 01:02:38. LTSmash Member From: Aguascalientes - Mexico Registered: 2008 …

You can find out the name of your USB devise with sudo fdisk -l and the size of your USB. After we resize primary partition, in the same fdisk session we will also create a new swap partition which we had deleted initially with new start and end sector, Update the kernel regarding the recent changes we did to change size of partition, But our swap partition is still shown as 0, Now let us complete our steps to create swap partition using mkswap, Next update /etc/fstab with the UUID for your new swap partition. That's what I wanted, Change your /etc/inittab to start in console mode and reboot... another solution would be to lazy umount /home. ... A swap file should be considered too, as they do not have any performance overhead compared to a partition but are much easier to resize as needed.

btw what kind of program is the one you need to boot windows for? Update /etc/fstab to make sure swap partition is not mounted at boot up stage. Last edited by pelegs (2020-10-19 17:28:08). I increased space for an Azure Ubuntu VM, but for some reason auto increase of partition space did not happen. [5][6], It should be noted that this issue largely did not affect gparted, as the project included the patch in their build as of gparted version 0.26.0-1 (released 2016-04-29).[7]. Press J to jump to the feed. centos disk management. So, when you have set everything as you want, click Add. How to resize root partition not on LVM in Linux. Here my VM is installed on /dev/sda device where /dev/sda1 is boot partition, /dev/sda2 is root while /dev/sda3 is for swap.. Additionally I have left some unallocated free space in /dev/sda for the demonstration of this article to extend non lvm root partition. This issue is caused by xwayland refusing access to gparted running as root. You can find the detail of the changes you are about to apply at the bottom of Gparted. Enter the number, press enter, and click on Resize. centos shrink or extend non lvm root partition. he have 2 partition /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2,

I am not sure if I understood your question, i think, he mean

So we must first delete swap partition here before we change size of partition as we need root to be the last partition in /dev/sda, So we will turn off the swap partition before we disable it, Now it is time to use fdisk utility to resize partition. To make one large ext4 partition, your command would look like this: If you have a Windows XP partition that you would like to move from drive-to-drive that also happens to be your boot partition, you can do so easily with GParted and keep Windows happy simply by deleting the following registry key PRIOR to the partition move: On an already partitioned disk, you can use parted to verify the alignment of a partition on a device.