If they pose a risk to the safety of family, other pigs, or other pets. This is the bony tissue that lies just underneath the enamel.

A narwhal can weigh up to 950 kg. Tusk trimming is often recommended for pigs having trouble eating, as certain cases of tusk growth can hinder full mobility of the jaw. Overgrown tusks can get caught on fences and break which could expose the tusk’s nerve. Pigs have both deciduous–temporary–and permanent tusks. The mean overall length of the lower tusks in sows is 2 7/8 inches and varies from 2 to 4 inches. For trimmed tusks, it will still slowly grow back.Some owners prefer to keep their pet pig’s tusks for a few reasons. During the process, try to hold them down the way suited to properly trim the tusks. Gigli saw wire used to trim Sasquatch’s tusks. In actuality, this tusking behavior is a form of scent marking by these animals using their tusk glands (Feral Hog Behavior) and has nothing to do with keeping a fine edge or point on the lower tusks.

Some people believe that boars sharpen their tusks when they “tusk” or cut up trees. These may need trimmed periodically. There has been a reported case where the tusks grew through the jowl area (the saggy skin near the chin or around the jaw) and this may cause a sore gum, appetite loss and infection.

This condition, however, is more common in domestic boars and wild barrows (i.e., castrated boars) than in uncastrated wild males. Brushing may be of benefit, but not every pig likes their mouth and tusks to be touched. Majority of tusks are curved, with the exception of a narwhal’s tusk which is straight and helical in structure.

Due to the lack of research there is no knowledge as to treatment for the gum line to recede. If any service claims pig tusks are similar to ivory and can be trimmed at any length, they are not knowledgeable enough to be performing such a service. Crushing tools causes tusks to splinter toward the gum line, leaving a pig susceptible to infection.

If there is risk of the tusks breaking by getting caught in fencing, furniture, or otherwise. The highest quality ivory, which is a semi-opaque white color, is found exclusively in the tusks of African elephants. Nowadays, probably due to inbreeding, tusks on mature male pigs are often deformed. Anecdotal accounts exist of some tusks exceeding 20 inches. If gingival hyperplasia is severe, only a small length of tusk may be able to be trimmed or advised to wait until the next visit as to not risk trimming into the pulp of the tusk. Since their tusks do not develop a yellow coloration with age like many others, they are considered more valuable in the ivory trade market. The following is a list of the most common breeds. Lower permanent tusks in male pigs continue to grow throughout their lives at various speeds, whereas permanent female tusks often reach their longest length around 3-4 years of age. The purpose of a pig’s tusks is to protect them in the wild. Some farriers or veterinarians use the term “tusk removal” synonymously for “tusk trimming”. pig, you will need to have your male pigs tusks trimmed. It’s advised to observe this simple procedure with a veterinarian before attempting to do it yourself. One may think that they are all similar, but each breed could have their own unique traits and personalities. It is their only weapon aside from their mouths. The overall length of the upper canine in boars averages 3 2/3 inches (range – 2 1/4 to 7 1/2 inches), and the cross-sectional dimensions at the gumline are about 1 inch by 1/2 inch. — Both male and female pigs can use their tusks to intimidate possible predators such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas and even snakes. Mini pig tusk trimming is a routine procedure performed on male pigs throughout their life span. If the tusk is trimmed at or below the gum line, there is a chance for bleeding, infection, and gum inflammation which can cause severe pain and discomfort. Regardless if they are wild or domesticated, male or female, they will grow tusks. Many museums have objects that are made from ivory, bone, horn, or antler. Improper tools include equine electric floating devices (graphically pictured above with snout snares which are not recommended at our blog of worst tools to use HERE), hoof nippers, bolt cutters, wire cutters, etc. These consist of two upper and two lower teeth, which are small, needle-sharp conical structures. Elephants are well known for their tusks which protrude from their incisors. Even when trimming, pigs can possibly be stressed too hard during the process and may die from the shock. All mini pigs grow tusks as they mature. The tusks usually appear or become visible around eighteen months of age.Livestock or indoor pets often get their tusks permanently cut off.