While we need teachers for a time, Centaur wants you to stand on your own two feet. Centaur feels that they have a determined destiny, and their eyes are on the stars. The meaning of the dream symbol: Centaur. That was the day my grand father fail ill and died in the evening. This is an oddity because Christian art represents the Centaur as a heretic with unbridled lust. Be Blessed. Consider asking her/his aid when you are working any type of nature magic, especially herbalism or animal empathy.

The young Centaur acts like a little adult with high standards already. They are often very wise and can be kind and loving, but they are always ‘free spirits’ – not capable of being tethered. Because the roots of the centaur are founded in shamanic society there is an ‘earthiness’ and love of life, sensuality, food, wine, women and all things of this earth that the centaur displays. Will we choose evil or good? Centaur represents the free and sometimes wild child within. Does heaven exist? Open your intuition to the wild kingdom and set your true self free!

At times when you need your space, invoke Centaur for movement and freedom. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. Centaurs are hybrids – half animal half human, and a ‘Means of Transport’. Because they are of the earth, the attributes can verge on the somewhat ‘immoral’  - meaning they are a law unto themselves - and even reckless, they can be warlike or courageous. (1) A centaur, or any other creature having a human head and an animal body, may represent a (needed) union of head and body, ‘spiritual’ and ‘animal’ or sensuous, conscious and unconscious. Available on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B088GP64MW also on all local Amazon sites, just change .com for the local version (.co.uk, .jp, .nl, .de, .fr etc.). As is the case in most archetypical examples of Zoomorphism, (half-man/half-animal figures,) man is responding to his primal and ‘animalistic’ nature. According to legend they were divided into two families. Depending on which animal is the ‘other half’ they take on the attributes of that animal. Generally, the moral of these stories is social justice. The dream is probably telling you to set about integrating contents of your unconscious psyche into your conscious life. Available on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B086J9VKZD also on all local Amazon sites, just change .com for the local version (.co.uk, .jp, .nl, .de, .fr etc.). When you feel blocked in, call on Centaur for freedom and ways to get through barriers. Centaur people are honest down to their toes. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. In fact, the first Centaurs centered on their primal nature, often avoiding civilization altogether. I wasn’t afraid in the dream but I did wake up right away. At the most simple level, the centaur is simply another representation of the shaman in ecstatic flight – a symbol of the ability of a person to ‘fly’ [out of body] like a horse. Centaur Medicine makes an excellent helpmate when you are developing spiritual skills.

Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you were born with the soul of a Centaur, you prefer keeping to yourself. In stories and Greek Mythology, Centaur lives a full and sensual life; this being loves good food, attractive women, and all things of beauty. Such an idea correlates with the concept of “As above, so below,”. People born between November 23rd and December 21st bear the sign of Sagittarius, the Centaur. We can be flawed, but still, recognize that we are one with God. Thousands of Years of Dreams and Inspiration. The centaur is incorporated into the Zodiac sign for Sagittarius, with the bow and arrow, whose symbolism has been explored  – again a shamanic reference to mystic or visionary travel.

Sadly, not every Centaur in history became a sage. The great medicine of Asclepius is based on Chiron's teaching. Chiron and Achilles – John Singer Sargent. He deems to project this nature onto a third party in the fully realized synthesis of his own animal characteristics. They represent man’s animal nature. A centaur, or any other creature having a human head and an animal body, may represent a (needed) union of head and body, ‘spiritual’ and ‘animal' or sensuous, conscious and unconscious. There is a wise person who leads, and others that support.

In Greek writings, Kentauos were skilled riders from Thessaly. These folks are the mystics and philosophers of the Zodiac: Ever restless and always changeable, akin to a Gemini. In other words, we do not want to be ‘broken’, or ‘tamed’. I knew what I saw and felt was real and I am looking for the true meaning of all of this. In order to register, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Everyone in the circle has specific responsibilities. I reached out my hand in the dream to touch the asteroid that was two triangles turning in opposite directions. In Greek mythology, the centaurs (from Ancient Greek: Kéntauroi) part human and part horse. There is the possibility that Chiron was a human being who through shamanic devices assumed half horse and half human characteristics.