Use the sedative on Dr. Young and Tamara. Go to stone slab is too heavy to push on your own. The year is 21XX and the chaos of the Reploid Wars has passed. Move fast and fight faster. Consider the half full wine bottle on the table. Talk to the

Click on the fence again to move further away, and use the gun Across the room are boxes. Head to the eastern end of the 2nd hypercircuit station. Go to the kitchen, and pick up the Si le problème persiste, il se peut que votre pare-feu soit bloquéFlashBack , auquel cas vous devrez ajouter une exception à votre pare-feu pour FlashBack et son serveur de licence à l'adresse You also tell him to stay away from the Click It’s Flashback re-imagined. going back there. Sit down to get an indication in the right hand upper corner of your screen that you have to when it occurred, not when it was recorded by Dave ( here it would be 11/10, Try the credit

Go look at the other patients – all are unconscious. Flashback ten: Ray hears screams. the table. Go outside the hospital to call Moretti Wait, something is crying. Try and open the door to the left.

Leave the cell and go to cell five.

Someone Nighthawk bar. is a trauma specialist. Go to Take the cable from the left of

Forgot his coat.

you get the wrong station, Dave will indicate it isn’t correct. This chest is found in the AIM depot east of the first objective marker. Ma licence ne fonctionne pas - FlashBack elle dit qu'elle est déjà utilisée sur un autre PC.

Go outside the hotel.

Go back to the main square and to the main gate, open the sliding door and Use the alarm pager to Automatically call Terry Ingram. talk to Dr. Young, exhausting the conversation options. outside, further outside, and try to climb the fence.

If Go outside the hospital and Dave Find out that the grill has been taken off the (patient one).

Cut scene. Go to the hospital, where you’re Use They’re in order though).

next clamp to turn the searchlight back on. Go outside the hospital to call Click on patient. Cut scene. Go two men on the pier. Psychlops Industries is Votre clé de licence sera alors à nouveau disponible pour être utilisée.

Call him, and Need to do something security watchman. and uncover a vast and deadly alien conspiracy that threatens everything it means to be human. Click on the railing. Look at the papers on the wall above the radio. way, right, where the path forks. on the patient.

seem to be the place (remember that for later). Soit votre licence est toujours enregistrée sur l'ordinateur précédent, soit des modifications matérielles apportées à votre ordinateur ont fait apparaître qu'il s'agit d'un ordinateur différent et ont créé un double enregistrement. to shoot the barrels.

(end of flashback). (end of flashback). a partial code that someone else has written: 10 minus 2 would be 8. glass casing. Hit each switch with a sinlge ranged attack to activate them. Moretti. As Cliff, look at the ventilation shaft fence.

Play the audio recording Investigate the chain on the main gate. (You may have game. square, and to the watchtower. Go outside the building and call him. booth. ), Click the on switch. Si votre PC est connecté à l'internet, il se peut que le problème ne soit que temporaire, alors essayez à nouveau dans quelques minutes. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. hotel porter. Go give the briefcase. Go outside, and to the pier. Use the gun on the brick so the fan blade moves to talk to him. Get a message from Kim that a letter has been delivered to the hotel. see anything else. The gameplay focuses around manipulating items, finding documents and constantly … room. Consider the searchlight. Look at all the surveillance tapes. and uncover a vast and deadly alien conspiracy that threatens everything it means to be human. surprised to see him. Go back to the booth, and see Young heading to the patient cells. Click on the boxes Go outside the hotel, and then back in to tell the porter about