Symptoms You might find a white, yellow, or even sometimes a purple blizzard leopard gecko. All Rights Reserved, Basic Leopard Gecko Vivarium Decors and Supplies. Don’t be afraid to check out online reviews and blogs to find the right reputable breeder or shop for you. Leopard Gecko Handling & Bonding Takeaways: Don’t be surprised if initially your new Leo acts shy and aloof. Normal and giant leopard gecko can reach 40-100 grams, some even pushing to 110-120 grams. Many good information you can find there. i can answer any further questions if needed thank you … Overfeeding your leopard gecko is one of the main reasons of obesity, Feeding your leopard gecko fatty feeder insects and even fuzzy mice too often causes it to become fat, Offering your leopard gecko only freeze dried insects can make it fat, because there is no need to hunt and move around. Normally, hatchlings measure 3 to 4 inches long, while adult females are 7 to 8 inches, and males are 8 to 10 inches. The hot hide allows a place for your lizard to retreat to digest its food, or to relax and soak up the warmth on the higher end of the temperature gradient.

However, did you know that there is one preventable, but potentially deadly leopard gecko health issue that remains commonly seen in the leopard gecko community? or scratch its eye on something while hunting). and the tissues of the lower intestine which lead to the vent. Eye infections can be the result of any This technique of coating insects is often referred to as “dusting”.

Being nocturnal, leopard geckos are most active at night and do not require a lot of UV lighting. it could also be undigested food which had If your leopard gecko needs to brumate, make sure to reduce offered food gradually. kitchen towel (to avoid infection of the wound), in a quiet environment. I. The . Skin infections around the stomach may appear as brown/black dots. Bacteria and fungi LOVE warm, moist environments, so they will thrive on surfaces in the enclosure and even in and on your poor leopard gecko! tail wound. Generally docile, these easy-to-care for lizards can live to be between 6 and 10 years in captivity.

been enough calcium in the diet. A number of leopard

Provide an additional two square feet of floor space per additional gecko, if you decide to house a small colony together. Besides coming in a variety of color morphs, leopard geckos can derive from bloodlines that grant a larger size. Use caution if you go this route as you might not have the full picture of the animal’s health or how they have been cared for.

Size & Growth Charts Included! diagnosed unless you see the female straining, or it is obvious that she A qualified reptile vet should be consulted should MBD be suspected, Do your research and make your choice ahead of time so that you can select an appropriately sized habitat. Plastic reptile enclosures offer many of the same benefits and drawbacks of wooden enclosures…. With an infection, it is sometimes possible to see one or few white ‘balls’ around the the dark gallbladder/liver when shining a light.

Unshed skin can be removed by letting the animal soak in warm water This is because there will be a release of large amounts of fat in a leopard gecko’s system when it start starving. Besides local breeders and pet shops, you could look into purchasing your gecko online from a breeder. The same can be said of the carrot head Leo. and eggs.

Fuzzy or pinkie mice is not a good food for leopard geckos, as they don’t normally eat meat. Gently massage the lower part of the belly. This loss of color is part of what makes it hard to breed for this morph. This is because lack of food and sudden change in a diet will cause release of big amounts of fat in system, same as in starvation. The new tail will begin to grow in a few days, taking about three to four months to fully regrow. These blizzard geckos shouldn’t be confused with other morphs like Murphy’s Patternless. It is also good to check for clear eyes and smooth skin absent of cuts or sores. At a minimum, provide your leopard gecko with at least two and a half square feet of floor space. Glass enclosures are easier to find and usually cheaper. New tail will within few days. However, since leopard geckos are nocturnal. Rocks and logs also offer fun activities and the opportunity for exercise for your leopard gecko. These morphs are endless, and though some are more common and easy to find, the rare ones keep wowing people. ). Breeders also offer much more unique and wider color morph variations than what you can find at pet stores. Belly heat can come from heat tape, heat rope, or a reptile heating pad. You can easily access our privacy policy and terms of use. Check the hide DAILY to ensure that it hasn’t dried out or started to grow mold. Since leopard geckos are terrestrial, the height of their enclosure isn’t a vital aspect. If you’re just starting out and aren’t interested in getting a fancy morph, then a high-quality, well-cared for pet with. Female leopard tails should be full and plump (not dehydrated, as in the photo below). It’s debatable which source is more beneficial for leopard geckos. Ackie Monitor Care Sheet: Habitat, Diet, and Care Advice for Owners, Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink Care, Habitat, & Diet Guide for Pet Owners. You won’t find any spots on these leopard geckos. should be examined, by the vet, for signs of parasites or bacterial infection. a nutritious mix to sustain her whilst she showed no interest in livefood. © 2006 - 2015 .

Disinfect the cage and accessories, and replace the substrate with fresh material. An ideal daytime basking spot of 88 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit can be produced by an under tank heat mat. When choosing a Leo, you can ensure it’s healthy by looking for 1) a tail that plump and fat, 2) no visible discharge around eyes, nose, or mouth regions, and 3) a vent that is clean and isn’t swollen.