Let's make some definitions so we all know what we are talking about.

Make sure that you have enabled USB debugging in the Developer Options menu.

But it’s not really a game until you can win! - Spawn the tetrominos with different colors During the first phase of testing, bricks were slightly overlapping each other (see figure). Problem is, objects in a scene are not accessible from another scene by default, so I had to do some trickery. This is important because it will prevent our ball from bouncing out of the maze if it moves too fast! Still, as a starting point, I think you’ll agree it’s pretty impressive what we’ve managed to accomplish in a very short time. In fact, that goes for coding in general.

- The possibilities are endless. We will use the following import settings for the border: Alright now that we have the game art all set up, we can drag the border from the Project Area into the Hierarchy twice: In our implementation, the Tetris scene will be exactly 10 blocks wide, and around 20 or so high.

Showing the score was very easy to do. If both conditions are met, you consider it a match and add it to your list.

Then it loops through every block in that row, Destroys it from the game and clears the reference to it by setting the grid entry to null. Now its time to put everything together and write a function that deletes all full rows and then always decreases the above row's y coordinate by one. This is a very brief introduction at the overall project , since the source code is commented. Whenever a row was deleted, the above rows should fall towards the bottom by one unit. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. When a line is destroyed, the score variable gains 100 points.


In most cases, this bug won’t be noticed because the common behaviour when playing Tetris is rotating and moving the brick while falling, not moving the brick at the very last moment of its fall.

The next function will be just as easy.

When we moved a block downwards and the new position is not valid anymore, then we have to disable the movement, delete all the full rows and spawn the next group of blocks. Please adapt accordingly if your Unity Hub looks different from the screenshots shown below.

(This makes me notice I forgot to reset the number of lines when playing again. Firstly, we choose a directory to save it in, select the 2D Unity game template and clicking Create. The other big problem I had and still have with brick rotation is rotating near another brick. - Add the good old Tetris sound effects Also read: Unity certification for developers: Is it worth it? This causes objects to move by a predefined unit, which you’ll be able to control in the settings. At first we will add a public GameObject[] array which allows us to drag all the groups into the Inspector later on: Note: array means that it's a whole bunch of GameObjects, and not just one. We will create a new Unity Project using the Unity Hub. You’ll know this has worked because you’ll see another cube now listed in the hierarchy on the left. Create a list of possible characters for this sprite. The C key in game, as in camera. Start at the first GameObject and work your way one by one: Note: Since Tetris is 2D, we do not worry about the Z axis.

Please, understand this game is one of my first works in Unity with C#, so it’s pretty dirty. You can choose to ignore it, but I feel like it can be a plus to the game when used correctly (which is not the case in this game :D). Increase speed over completed lines: every time a line is completed, the speed increases. What was much harder however was prevent the rotation when too close to the wall.

If you know your way around Unity and heard about GameObjects, Prefabs and Transforms before, then you are ready to go. This is good advice when learning how to make a game in Unity: don’t try and reinvent the wheel. Not much, but enough to be seen and to involve some line destroying issues.

Now we need to create another new script, which I’m calling “WinBlock.” This one looks like so: What this is doing, is checking to see if anything bumps into it. Where you move the ball in the scene is where it will be placed at the start of the game. Now head back into Unity, select the sphere, and drag your TiltControl script into the Inspector at the bottom where it says “Add Component.” This now means that the code in your script will affect the GameObject you have attached it to. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. Find the starting positions for the board generation. Store the number of spaces in an integer named, Swap each sprite with the one above it, until the end is reached and the last sprite is set to, Different levels with various board sizes.

Learn more. Let’s see why! Basically, everytime a brick is spawned a score variable is incremented by 10 points. The result is you’re passing a level every 10 lines. The block's world position is modified by adding the Vector (0, -1, 0) to it. The hierarchy is essentially a list of everything in your scene, which makes it very easy to find and manipulate individual items. It's to make sure that the next step of the for loop continues at the correct index (which must be decreased by one, because we just deleted a row). Learn more. In some way, I wasn’t wrong: make the brick rotate on itself is the easy part. A group will contain a few blocks also known as "tetrominos" in the original game, but for the sake of it being easier to remember, we'll simply call them blocks: There are several types of blocks in Tetris, which are the I, J, L, O, S, T and Z blocks: As seen in the above images, we will keep the art style simple. And yes: that means you could just as easily cause a whole fleet of balls to move as you tilt the phone! Our ball will now drop into the scene, ready to be moved around! Flappy Bird Unity tutorial for Android – Full game in 10 minutes!

There are a few things that were really not easy to do with my current skills and knowledge of both the language and the program but one was really above all: collision detection.