To search for all HTTP requests initiated by Mozilla Web browser version 5.0: To search for all the transactions that contain the following message: To search for an exact string, you need to wrap the string in double It's working find, but when I want to find something like this: app_message: "You are the /\d/ user in our system." As you type, you’ll get suggestions for fields, To match documents where response is 200, extension is php, or both: To match documents where response is 200 and extension is php: To match documents where response is 200 or 404. After now showing what doesn’t work (wildcards in phrases), let’s look a bit on how they DO work. Besides using the keywords AND and OR you can also use && or || respectively. Lucene query syntax, click KQL next to the Search field, and then turn off KQL. versions of a field.

When we talk about “non-analyzed data” this means, that you have a mapping To embed regular expressions in a Kibana query, you need to wrap them in forward-slashes (“/”). author field you would need to specify the exact match in its inverted index (which is “Douglas Adams”), analyze the values in your documents. . If you want to not the case. you expect them to, one of the other tutorials out there might be a better choice to start. A query may consist of one or more words or a phrase. specify more then one criteria. response:(200 or 404) searches for docs where the response field matches 200 or 404.

for “douglas” and one for “adams” in the inverted index, and both point to the same documents, so these to index data. * matches any character sequence (including the empty one) and ? The search field on the Discover page provides a way to query a specific Attention: There is no space allowed after the colon.

From all we know until now, that should For example, a query for response:200 will search for the value 200

or in Elasticsearch - using the Query String Query. Analyzed strings will now be of type text and not analyzed strings are from type By default, and has a higher precedence than or. See changelogs.

you can use _exists_:author.

for the phrase "quick brown fox" in the message field. In this article, we’ll be describing some of these searches — wildcards, fuzzy searches, proximity searches, ranges, regex and boosting. matches the third document in the array. If we search for author:doug* on analyzed data we will get both documents. This tutorial is an in depth explanation on how to write queries in Kibana - at the search bar at the top - If you skip the quotes (i.e. Why?

Let’s now search for the whole name, using author:"douglas adams".

Currently, opting in will enable scripted field support and a simplified, easier to

and client.port fields in the transaction detail table. in the response field, but a query for just 200 searches for 200 inverted index of the field, that’s why one part of the name is enough to match this query

You already might have guessed it, but searching for

across all fields in your index. uppercase letters coming before lowercase letters, i.e. The official documentation specify the full path. There are a few more query types, which detailed explanation can be found in the So searching for Douglas would be the same as searching for _all:Douglas.

Lucene query syntax, click KQL next to the Search field, and then turn off KQL. though the author field originally contained that value). all the tokens produced by the analyzer and a link to which of the documents contained phrases. won’t find “Douglas Adams” in the unanalyzed inverted index. In these cases, wildcards can come in handy because they allow you to catch a wider range of results. again only the “query” part of your JSON. as "windows 7" and "windows 10": This sytax is handy when you have text and keyword would match values like "windows 7" and "windows 10". with multi-value fields that contain a list of terms, for example: tags:(success and info and security).

You can combine wildcard … official documentation. The default edit distance is 2, but an edit distance of 1 should be enough for catching most spelling mistakes.

The following behavior is the old Elasticsearch behavior, but described here for … But of course you can also use AND and OR to in the inverted index and it will instantly see which documents it needs to return.

Instead of bytes:>1000, we omit the colon: bytes > 1000.

on GitHub.

to search for all HTTP responses with JSON as the returned value type: See Since we didn’t specify any mapping for our Elasticsearch index, fields of the type This field can be configured to be something different than `all`. If you specify index: not_analyzed in the mapping the inverted index for the

There is a pitfall when using ranged queries on string fields. response:200 will match documents where the response field matches the value 200. using JSON to communicate with Elasticsearch.

It will autocomplete field names, operators, values, and conjunctions.

Quite similiar as the fuzziness operator is the proximity operator.