Their ideas are to find a girl they can love and who will love them in the same way and intensity as they love her. They can be very traditional or old-fashioned. When you have Mars in Cancer, it will tend to be the case that you are going to... 3. But, and there is always a “but” with this position, because of their insecurities and the constant fear of rejection they are able to “see” millions of “clues” that “prove” that the girl they like doesn’t like them back. In Mars, this lack of straightforwardness is even more pronounced. They don’t like to distance themselves from a comfortable and fixed standard. As a matter of fact they always have to have the feeling of love and emotions tied to the sex act. Mars in Cancer man needs emotions in order to feel happy. He’s also very adept with the new technologies. They want to be comfortable. They are very sentimental, so expect to have “your” bench in the park, “your” cafe, etc.

They can have a very bad temper. At least in a direct way. If you thought that getting in the relationship with them is a challenge, being in a relationship with them can be an even bigger challenge. This happens because he is very spontaneous and impetuous when things are getting on his nerves.

Mars in Cancer and Acting Mars Cancer people play on and with emotions, making many of them natural performers.

Not only are they sensitive, they are very aggressively sensitive.

Overall, a cautious yet persistent approach is typical of the Mars in Cancer person when pursuing any goal. He’s basically trying to avoid violence, but he still hurts the other by appearing distant and uninterested. They will instinctively have a natural relationship with the water. They usually have a very casual and lazy style of dress. Mars in Cancer MARS IN CANCER DRIVES AND PASSIONS: The urge to put down firm roots, create a secure home base and build a close-knit family is exceptionally strong when Mars falls in Cancer.

This is another way you can find out if they like you on a romantic level. They are so sensitive and don’t mind crying. It says a lot about how we react to people and events but it also represents our sexual energy and how we behave when in love. He prefers doing things this own way, especially when it comes to decorating and repairing his house. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. With such an affectionate and loving soul, how could he not get attached hopelessly to people? Don’t hurt his expectations and heart by disappointing him, by making fun of his emotional vulnerabilities. They are often the types to give backrubs and foot massages and cook their girlfriend dinner. Unlike Mars in Sagittarius who will bring you to different outdoorsy adventures, you’ll find Mars in Cancer consciously or subconsciously going back to the same old places you used to visit (or at have visited once… if you’re just starting your relationship). If they don’t get it, they will probably continue circling around or they will decide that they are never going to be with that girl and leave. Both his willingness to do some things, ambition, perseverance, as well as his sexual thirst are affected suffering ups and downs. If Mars in Cancer men are not straightforward and direct in their approach, how can you know if they are interested in you? The men are totally mama’s boys! Mars in Cancer men like to reminiscent about all things past and they will often mention things you did together or places you went to in the past. Natives with Mars in Cancer sending those combative and warrior vibes down on them are very emotional, creative, and have quite a lot of artistic talents. Men with Mars in Cancer tend to be very passionate in sports and can often be sore losers.

Water sports also require both surrender and self control — two of Cancers biggest issues. Their erogenous zones are their breast and chest. Instead, they think that you should intuit what is wrong with them and why they’re feeling hurt/unloved/etc. Moreover, his angry face is multifaceted, just like the Roman god Janus. These … They may need their girlfriend to take care of them like a mother would. Since Mars is a planet that represents our reaction to the world as well as our fighting spirit, when Mars is in Cancer, a gentle, emotional and often insecure sign, the warrior energies of Mars get blocked by Cancer. They will like to make their lover feel good. They often feel entitled to good treatment, whether or not they have earned it. In a sense, both Mars in Cancer males and Venus in Cancer females think that true love includes some kind of telepathic connection where words are not necessary. Unfortunately, the intensity of their sexual feelings, both on a physical and an emotional level, often makes it difficult for them to be conservative enough. The only time when he feels like being in control is when getting all intimate, making crazy love.

As I said before, these natives will do their best to become close to you. Men with Mars in Cancer are the Emo nice guys that you want to love and slap at the same time.

The Mars in Cancer man, being so sensitive and emotional as he is, intuition is highly advanced, to a level that grants him near omniscience as far as cold reading goes. Reserved at first, he only makes a move if he feels safe (which happens after he’s spent some time observing you). Man born with the Mars in Cancer are quite frankly a handful, I won’t lie. They can even become your rock to lean on.

These are highly sensitive creatures. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. With Mars in Cancer, your will to act is at the mercy of your intense moods, but when you find ways to act in sync with your emotions, you move others to tears or laughter. Usually though they will just go somewhere and cry, write a song, complain to their mother. People with Mars in Cancer can do very well in water sports. But he’s a Cardinal sign, which means he initiates. They innately understand the mental health benefits of crying and frequently do it. Sun-Moon Combinations: Exploring Your Personality, Rising Signs: Uncover the Hidden Meanings Behind Your Ascendant, Planets in Houses: How They Determine One’s Personality, Zodiac Birthstones: Channel the Power of Your Birthstone. Whatever gets his attention, and whatever he focuses on for a long period of time, he will protect with his life, and he won’t let anyone else berate his choices. They often have some strong attachment to their mother.