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He holds it in a stiff and unnatural manner. We can see Watson and Holmes, quite often, as we read Dr. Konnikova’s book, as personifications of different ways of reacting to events: A fast, efficient, possibly easily erroneous approach (the Watson approach), and a more disciplined, possibly quite inefficient, but thoughtful, sometimes counterintuitive approach (the Holmes approach). I may not be exactly like Holmes but it is much better than it was before.

There’s Wodehouse’s Bertie and Jeeves and Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Sancho. Even at a young age I was always overly aware of the impact my emotions, past interactions etc.

Another hallmark of Mastermind is the concept of the brain attic as a metaphor for how we ought to use the brain. Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2013. She explains what he does and what the outcome is every time he gets a case, and how you too can learn to control those “reptilian brain” impulses so you can use your logic to make deductions and solve “your cases”. This is not a chapter-by-chapter summary. Quotations in the margins amplify the lesson being taught. Where in the tropics could an English army doctor have seen much hardship and got his arm wounded? The key to System Holmes is mindfulness.

Twitter is also trying to make it harder for the average user to retweet misleading tweets by prompting them to "quote tweet" when they click the retweet button. The company notes that, while this feature can help people access viewpoints outside their network, it doesn't "believe the 'Like' button provides sufficient, thoughtful consideration prior to amplifying Tweets to people who don't follow the author of the Tweet, or the relevant topic that the Tweet is about.

Perhaps there's no one simple answer to that but we do know which works the creator of the theory of general relativity seemed to come back to over and over.

Here are his 5 favorite books and writers, as we know it.

, Ernst Mach.