This page was last edited on 15 November 2012, at 17:55. Try to stay out of its way. He'll also often fire out a fire bouquet that lands a short distance away from him.

Sigma will confront you at the end of the final stage in his spiffy-looking new body. Zero will become a Maverick, and you'll have to fight him in the third final stage. Two large hands will appear at the bottom two corners of the screen and will use several attacks.

He'll use several attacks, those of which include two energy balls coming out of his eyes, after a few seconds they'll fly towards you so get ready to move quickly. How could you have overloaded my circuits?!! You'll only have to fight Maverick Zero if the Shuttle mission failed and Eurasia's pieces fell down on Earth. Once they hit a wall or the floor, energy balls will appear and crawl along for a short distance. Make sure it doesn't hit you. His attacks are sort of like Zero's as he uses a sword. Zero is labeled as a Maverick here but its uncertain if he actually was a Maverick, the big "W" in the background looks rather suspicious, doesn't it? He'll often jump around to each higher ground levels, duck under him and crouch down in the depressions to dodge him. He will also shoot fireflys that will follow you around the screen and explode soon after. They will be tough to beat, but you can use the same tactics as before to beat them. The levels of each of the eight bosses will be determined by how many hours you have left. He'll often charge at X and if he hits you X will fly back a fair way, try to keep away from the edge of the wings otherwise you'll be knocked off the edge. He will also often fire out a blue clone of himself that will fly out and perform the charge attack. You will only fight this form of Zero if you're using X in the third final stage and if Zero survived the Shuttle mission and didn't become a Maverick. Remember that annoying cyclops boss also known as the Shadow Devil in Mega Man and Mega Man 3?

He'll punch the ground and create huge energy beams that consume about half of the screen, try to dodge it by staying to the side and keep dashing around before the beams appear. They will also try to crush X and will move up and down the screen.

He will occasionally attack Maverick Hunter HQ. In the English localization, the names of the eight Mavericks were changed to reference the names of the members of Guns N' Roses. Drop down into the depressions in the ground to dodge the blades. He will also jump around the screen trying to attack you. You'll need to jump around the eye to dodge it. His form will be that of a huge floating head that takes up a lot of room on the screen. We will join hands... And never let anyone sever us again! Several months after the Repliforce war, Earth is at a peaceful time. The lower the time remaining, the higher the boss levels will be. There are two listings of the bosses here, one for X and one for Zero.

Mega Man X Collection. He'll then start sapping X's energy while replenishing his own, so try to avoid him. Dash under him if he gets too close. If he lands in a corner and stops, he'll shoot out small energy balls that bounce towards you. Once the battle begins, he'll whip out three small yellow blades which can cause damage if they hit X. He'll often charge straight at you and will then jump up the walls and then down again. Izzy Glow will enjoy teleporting around during this battle. Duff McWhalen will battle you in an underwater room, so you'll be able to jump higher here. Unfortunately he is unavoidable and you will be forced to fight him.

Sigma's final form is a gigantic humanoid-shaped body, so large that all you see of it is his head and upper chest. The Skiver will battle you on the wings of a large airship. He also sometimes floats up and flies down at X, jump over him to dodge his charge attacks. He'll also sometimes whip out a large spiked ball that'll bounce around the room. He'll often punch the ground and cause large blue energy bolts to fly up the screen, they will be very difficult to dodge, just try your best. Jump right up to the top of one of the walls to dodge him. The lower the time remaining, the higher the boss levels will be. As it was quite old, it was planned to receive an extensive renovation. When half his health is lost, he will shoot energy beams. Jump up the wall to dodge the whip. If two large walls close in around you, jump up one as spikes will appear on the floor once they stop moving. Mega Man X5 | Table of Contents | Walkthrough. Well, the crazy creature has returned in X5 and he's stronger and harder than ever. Grizzly Slash will drop into the large rocky room to confront X. He'll often use his purple whip-type weapon, he'll throw it towards you and after a few seconds it'll return to him. Mega Man X5 feels like the sub-series’ grand finale and the game’s boss fights rise to the occasion as formidable foes. This means that you can fall off the edge, and he'll try to use this to his advantage. there are three different variations in the order that each block flies in, your biggest threat are the two lower blocks. Zero will use moves that you wouldn't normally be able to use if you're playing as Zero, so be careful. X's Bosses. This reploid is a famous yet stubborn scientist that gets affected by the Sigma Virus when you encounter him. He'll also sometimes fire out two large ice-rings, then he'll slash out his Beam Saber which will shoot out a green beam which flies straight at you. At the end of the first stage Zero will appear followed closely by Sigma.

- Mega Man X. Use the Tri-Thunder to destroy it quickly. He'll also try to block your shots when you fire at him, so try to hit him just as his whip returns. After beating two bosses you'll have to face Dynamo for the first time. He'll jump around often, and he'll also create a clone of himself which will also jump around and try to hit you. Bosses Guide. This boss is similar to the wall boss in the first Mega Man X game, but will be harder to beat. Use this break to attack him. This time though, they'll all be on level 96 and will have double the amount of health than the first time.