You guys let me know. Così is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. All his workmaids are stranded, shipwrecked with nowhere else to go, highlighting women's hopelessness in changing their situation. This was due to a clash of desire for the land; the native’s innate protection of their land and the white settlers struggle to declare their right to an area already inhibited by natives – possibly for 40,000 years.

Time change? The word suggested the society that Lancelot Percival James had boasted of at the Academy… But New South Wales was no gentleman’s estate… and the gamekeeper was a criminal who had been given a gun” (pg91). Così is essentially a social commentary, packed full of criticisms of conventional perspectives and values. Â, This paragraph’s analysis revolves around Grenville’s inclusion of a host of different characters and outlooks - from Indigenous Australians to intransigent Colonial perspectives.

I am Malala and Made in Dagenham is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Comparative (also known as Reading and Comparing). The best place to do both of these is in a body paragraph – it weaves in seamlessly and allows for a good amount of analysis, among other reasons!

And in answer to your questions, whilst its best you analyse the whole collection to some extent, knowing 10 or so strategically chosen poems really well, covering all themes and types should hold you in good stead for any question thrown at you in the exam. This sounds more like summary and comes off robotic and unemotional, neither does it add any dimension to her character. Gloves have significant meaning in two key scenes in On the Waterfront. It is impossible to sympathise with Helen because she is the most mischievous character of the play. So, what are these criteria points? This is due to language barriers’ ability to foster or inhibit connection. Something went wrong while submitting the form. → Powers can be ephemeral in times of crisis, Euphemism (e.g. By now, you’ve probably realised that The Dressmaker’s title is significant. Both The Crucible and The Dressmaker talk extensively about class. How would we describe the treatment towards these characters? 03 9028 5603Call us: Monday to Friday between 3pm - 6pm or leave us a message and we'll call you back!Address: We'd love to see you too, but we're only online! Our tutors meet students at homes and local libraries. ‍The first step, as always, is we look at keywords. This builds upon his tendencies to blame others for his behaviour – he is inherently unable to face the truth of his ‘insanity’ and so manipulates his reality to make it more bearable.Â.

There is no ‘expected’ response to a topic, and the most successful pieces were those that were thoughtful and fresh. Rayson’s (21) Extinction explores humankind’s moral frailty and gravitation towards the ethical when we focus too closely on ourselves. This video’s takeaway message focuses on tackling essay prompts that include quotations. Fall Apart honestly considers and reflects on Ibo practices, customs, values, and beliefs. Here, Ham subtly hints that Irma Almanac’s injuries were not solely due to ‘falls’, as it is also said that once her husband grew old the ‘falls’ progressively ceased. The play’s main focus is on the suffering of women, as exemplified by the way Euripides chose to portray Hecuba’s loss and Cassandra’s helplessness. In my next sentence, I went on to elaborate about my viewpoint of the prompt. The VCAA provides the only official, up to date versions of VCAA publications and information about courses including the VCE. Writing a film analysis can be daunting in comparison to analysing a written text. So, I developed the FIVE TYPES of essay prompts to help students streamline their planning process and maximise every minute of their SACs and exams.

To learn more about brainstorming, planning, essay structures for Text Response, read our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response. When faced with unknown prompts in a SAC or your exam, it's reassuring to have a formulaic breakdown of the prompt so that your brain immediately starts categorising the prompt - which of the 5 types of prompts does this one in front of me fall into? Â. The first half of the novel is dedicated to an almost anthropological depiction of Igbo village life and culture through following the life of the protagonist Okonkwo. "I'm sure you would not question me," which is also another example of women's subordinate status. Over the next three years, the novel follows Okonkwo’s family through harvest seasons, religious festivals, cultural rituals, and domestic disputes. It will help you write with a sense of personal voice and a personal engagement with the text, which the teachers and assessors will always enjoy. My second body paragraph would be another agreement, but this time I'm going to focus on the men. P1: The eponymous women of Troy certainly suffer, and in many of their eyes, Helen is a villain.

Oops! Â. They see Salem as the first battleground between God and the Devil in the Americas, and as such construct a grand narrative in which they are God’s soldiers protecting his kingdom. However, it’s important to recognise that your essay does not need to revolve around only the character(s) in the prompt but should also incorporate discussion of other major and minor characters as well.Â, In this topic, it is important to incorporate other characters, such as the patients, into your essay, because they are crucial to Lewis’ development. I explained the similarities between Chapel and Bertie, but also included some comparisons with Mum and Grandad and Whitechapel.

This will help your essay move from generic to original (yeah boy!).

For more sample essay topics, head over to our Things Fall Apart Study Guide to practice writing essays using the analysis you've learnt in this blog!

Introducing you to my golden rule, the CONVERGENT and DIVERGENT STRATEGY! By the end of the play, Lewis learns to value love and friendship over war and politics, even stating that ‘without love, the world wouldn’t mean as much’. He has dedicated his life to achieving status and proving his strength to avoid becoming like his father Unoka – a lazy, improvident, but gentle man. The line between reality and illusion is explored through the characters who are labelled as ‘insane’ as well as those considered ‘normal.’ Nowra demonstrates that reality is unique for each person, and often people may slip into illusions in order to avoid the truth. These words really stand out to me, and these are the words that I feel are necessary for me to focus on in order to answer this prompt properly.The second step that I do is I define keywords. This image of ‘Lisa’ in the negative literally symbolises Jeff’s negative perception of his girlfriend Lisa at the beginning of the film. Ultimately, Rayson captures how humanity’s moral convictions can in fact align with their decisions when decisions are founded through virtuous ideals. Because it is summer holidays, and most people aren't really studying right now, this is for the truly keen beans, the people who are reading the text before the school starts, which, by the way, you should be doing. The first one will be Rosa, the poet.

‘Through solving the murder mystery, Jeff also resolves some of his concerns about relationships.’ Discuss. This meant that settlers would become emancipists, where they were set free from the government’s sentence and could begin a life for themselves by making their own living. There are two main things that you should do when presented with this type of prompt. He sees a returned William Beaumont sitting in a car. Alongside this, Nowra stresses the importance of being able to accept your own reality, as he shows that characters who fail to do so, also fail to experience personal growth (e.g. We've curated essay prompts based off our The Crucible and Year of Wonders Study Guide which explores themes, characters, and quotes. The idea that there are forces beyond human control is enhanced, and Poseidon and Athene’s pride proves that humans are just innocent bystanders at the mercy of the gods.

EXECUTE is the writing component that ticks off the English criteria so that your teacher is wowed by your essay and wished it was longer. Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships, despite whatever values they may claim to have. Nancy and Sister Ruth Dimm are shown to be having a secret relationship in the back of the phone exchange building before the perspective moves back to Buela Harridene, who demands that Sergeant Farrat investigate the McSwiney children for supposedly pelting her roof with stones. By that, what I mean is following the text in the order events occur; before Tilly’s arrival, during Tilly’s time in Dungatar, and the consequences that arise after they make her an outcast once again. Additionally, Hitchcock delves into the flip side of this matter, presenting the theory that those he watches are just as guilty of allowing his intrusion into their private lives.

Therefore, Nowra warns against dismissing individuals who are mentally ill, instead highlighting their capacity to garner change and therefore be productive and valuable members of society.