Humpback whale fluke around Monterey Bay, California in February 2015. Being part of the cleaning crew. Dogfish Shark -- Persistence and strength, a born leader. Using the power of breathing as an emotional release of anger and pain. Join a scientist who’s trying to help solve the mystery of shark migration and study the anatomy of white sharks and elephant seals. Master of disguise, attacking from ambush, sneaking up from behind. I had a dream I was fishing with a line and hook no pole. Cuttlefish --  Master of disguise, attacking from ambush, sneaking up from behind. Control of elements and thought, open to new experiences and new relationships. I went down to the marina today and a seal and I stared at each other for a good 15-20 minutes. These fish can be colorful and attractive, but underlying these appealing visual characteristics is perhaps a reminder that that which appears appealing may be quite less so on closer examination. Octopus -- Always on the move. "Going along with other groups for protection", -- A,loner who likes to be an individual, has little respect for others who are not of its own kind,using a fierce mask wisely, an opportunity to uncover something hidden, The whales lesson is to learn to listen to your inner voice and to be in touch with your own personal truths. Share this video: Sea Cucumber -- Heightened communication, emphasizing hormone levels along with unconscious signals and nerves. I felt protected and I have never dreamt of a deal before nor seen its meanings. The octopus changes its colors to merge into its surroundings making it seen to disappear. Slug will show when to move andwhen to rest. Free-flowing. In ancient Rome until the end of the second century AD, goatfish were highly sought-after and expensive, not as a delicacy, but for aesthetic pleasure, since the fish assume a variety of colors and shades also during death.

They are able to resist changes and flourish in hostile environments. I did not approach it. The weeds seem to have grown in the short time I was at work because now I could barely see over them. Its venom can be lethal to humans.. Its name comes from its prefering to "sun bathe" on the surface, (which may have somrthing to do with its digestive process), which in turn makes it "accident prone", by being killed by passing boats. Ideas or insights that help you by not needing a lot of attention., Walrus,-- A,loner who likes to be an individual, has little respect for others who are not of its own kind,using a fierce mask wisely, an opportunity to uncover something hidden, Whale,-- The whales lesson is to learn to listen to your inner voice and to be in touch with your own personal truths. Intelligence, adaptability, flashy when the mood is right, unseen when they need to hide.

Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun. Understanding beauty as popularity and protection, effective use of color, ability to live within diverse situations. Sea Snail -- Teaches flexibility and completion of endeavors along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. Crayfish -- Moving forward in spite of fears, if in encountering danger or trouble by moving forward it can move back and out of trouble. Trust in where life is taking you. A large white baby seal swam to me and rested with his head on my shoulder and I felt so blessed. Studying aromatherapy would be beneficial to help develop hunting prowess. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. Not having a social structure away from family and children. Marlin people are loners, they love being alone not because they fear the company of others but because they are a lot more comfortable on their own. I also specifically remember that I thought it was a whale waving at me until the seal popped up! Skate -- Use less mobility in your actions, be careful in planning new ventures, Sponge -- Absorption powers, effective movement of water and emotions, hermaphroditic characteristics, Squid -- Ability to read the moods of others, can read body language of those around them, uses light, color and form to communicate, blushes easily, Starfish,-- The starfish is said to be a star fallen from the sky into the sea and is considered as a celestial symbol, a totem with a deep divine spiritual meaning. Siamese Fighting Fish -- Protection of boundaries within relationships. , Herring -- A streamlined look, a flashy appearance can draw unwanted attention, serving as cover for others, a shallow and rather oily individual, mouth always open, unpleasant smoke odor, Jellyfish -- Acceptance and faith, sensitivity to water energy (emotions), understanding of the value of floating rather than swimming through trying emotional times, ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life, what is needed will be provided, a nasty sting. Nice dream though! Limpet guides you home again to a safe secure atmosphere, your own unique place of being connected and grounded. The sea monkey‘s message is to bide your time and wait for the future, while enjoying life in the meantime. Hide tide is when clams are free from the attentions of predators; surely the happiest of times in the clam world.).