I am hypothyroid. If that wasn’t bad enough, bromine may also accelerate the elimination of iodine from the body, again leaving the thyroid in an iodine deficient state.

Use glass and safe ceramic vessels.

The United States is quite behind in putting an end to the egregious practice of allowing bromine chemicals in your foods. 5. Bromium 6 So, Margaret scheduled a phone consultation because the homeopath lived two states away. I concluded that my thyroid glands are not functioning well.

Are we getting what we want from TSH testing. Why is Glycemic Load More Significant Than Glycemic Index? That’s probably not what you were thinking when I said “spiked”. (6) These toxins lower your T3 levels, consequently slowing your resting metabolic rate and inhibiting your fat-burning ability.

The substance is also found in various baked goods such as cookies, cakes, and bread. would like some suggestion as to what to do. I found that I also had adrenal fatigue and system yeast/fungus which you may also suffer from they seem to go together. As was mentioned earlier by another messenger, you need to take a ‘constitutional remedy’. When she got home that night, she paged through her Italian dictionary and was delighted to discover that the beautiful word means “the art of nonchalance in effortless elegance.” Ahhh … the confirmation that her life was back. It was about this time that, while at the theatre, she inadvertently ran into Alphonso, a handsome Italian friend from back in grad school. Bromo-Selzer is still on the market, but no longer contains bromide. that is my problem, I do not like taking perscription meds never have. By ten o’clock i feel dizzyness and extermely tiredness. There is NO MONEY FOR ANYONE WHO MATTERS. Those hormones are necessary for your metabolism as well as to regulate body temperature and other essential bodily functions. And so Margaret wore her hair in a sweeping fashion that concealed the loss that honestly only she noticed. Question bromium 6 for hypothyroidism. If you find any great alternative options, please share them with us. Your email address will not be published. I also am hypothyroid.

In 1994, Canada did the same.

Then again take … Homeopathic Medicine.

Joette, can Iodum be prescribed for both Hashimoto’s and Graves? Avoid Unfermented Soy Forget it! Homeopathic Medicine Bromium 6c, for the most part, stay better for Hypothyroidism in spite of many other. Why Doesn't my Endocrinologist Know all of This? The 9 Personalities Which Are Changing The World, Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High, Soy Lecithin: How It Negatively Affects Your Health And Why You Need To Avoid It. My lab numbers dropped to normal values, but my symptoms didn’t disappeared (constant fatigue, weak memory). The nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet can provide important protection against illness and can support recovery and healing. Being a chemist as well as a someone who is careful of what I eat, I do agree that avoiding sodium bromate and brominated vegetable oil is a good idea but we should be careful not to lump everything containing bromine as equally toxic. Plain stupid! But that being water under the bridge…Is there anything diet-wise I can do now rather than meds?

But again, the choice of Sepia depends on the entirety of the person suffering the problem. Margaret began to question the decision to follow through since the side effects were written in the drug pack she was handed, albeit in print so small she literally needed a magnifying glass to make out the words. Just like many situations…follow the money. I am male 59 years old. Hashimotos thyroiditis is an auto immune disorder in which the antibodies are produced by the immune system against its own tissue, which in turn attacks the thyroid gland resulting in hypothyroidism. Margaret didn’t really care about the studies; her focus was on how well she began to feel. “The doctor considered hypothyroidism and subsequent tests indicated Margaret’s TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was indeed low, so he advised a medication. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid a few months after giving birth. This phenomenon is significant enough to have been given its own name -- the Bromide Dominance Theory. Bromium 6c is not enough to cure. It is in the same group as chlorine, iodine, and fluorine. I have done it 7 times and now understand how my body gains weight and what I can do to keep the weight off, I have lost 3 stone in 3 years (up and down) and am keeping it off with her recomndations (steak/wild slamon day) once a week or so. And iodine affects every tissue in your body -- not just your thyroid.

One clinical consequence of overexposure to bromine is suppression of your thyroid, leading to hypothyroidism, which will be discussed shortly. It takes onlt 2-3 minutes at most/ William, just one question.

Such was the case in 2004 when Coca Cola Company had to recall Dasani bottled water. Unfortunately, TSH is wrongly considered by the majority of endocrinologists and many other physicians to be the only indicator required to produce an accurate and comprehensive analysis of one’s thyroid health. My hair loss problem is gone, i am no more tired, my digestion system improved, clear motion in the morning, memory regained, confidence level also elevated. Iodine levels have significantly dropped due to bromine exposure; declining consumption of iodized salt, eggs, fish, and sea vegetables; and soil depletion. The link between iodine and the thyroid gland is well established; therefore, it is no surprise that homeopathic iodine has been used homeopathically for many decades. Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing. I can’t say in public what the men would think but I’m sure Margaret knew. Bromides were withdrawn from the American market in 1975 due to their toxicity. Then, her zeal returned. banerjiprotocol. Is the Bromium 6 to detox from the Bromine in the body? She could have submitted without a struggle and simply taken the prescriptions, but that wasn’t Margaret’s style. Instead of her usual deftness in her daily routine, she began to experience weariness.

2nd Medicine Phos 200 one dose, once in a week (not daily). Another case of our government protecting big industry -- instead of protecting you. Benzalkonium is used as a preservative in some cosmetics. But, it was indeed as clear as day…anxiety, mood swings, hair loss, weight gain, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, seizures. However, because bromine is so similar to iodine the thyroid can mistake it as such and the bromine will take the place of iodine. Once the energy of the illness is met by the energy of the remedy, it will be unnecessary for the body to react. Great Medicine Chemical pollutants are much higher inside buildings (and cars) than outside. This capacity reveals the very essence of homeopathy, which is ruled by the law “like cures like.”. Please enter your e-mail address. And she began to lose more hair than she cared to think about.

Besides I became more energetic than I’d felt for a long time. Price Foundation. Okay, let’s start off by figuring out exactly what bromine is. The National Academy of Hypothyroidism website is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. It moderated her usual steady vitality with a chronic longing for naps. What about the thing you’re sitting on? 7. It's ironic that soy has become so accepted as a health food when, as Dr. Daniel states, thousands of studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid- and hormonal dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility--even cancer and heart disease. Thanks! Utilize fans to circulate the air. Learn how your comment data is processed. Another interested indication of Bromium 6c for the most part, ASTHMA in sailors who come ashore. Bromine and Your Thyroid Adding to the negative health effects of bromine, the damage to your thyroid health deserves special mention. The medicines used for Hypothyroidism are: Even Emergency conditions can be treated with Homeopathy if case is properly managed. I use homeopathic medicines always. So I gave it a try. See a homeopathic practitioner! In 1990, the United Kingdom banned bromate in bread. Naomi has written various articles concerning hypothyroidism including information on diagnostics and treatment. Calcarea Carbonica. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The content on this site is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Assess Your Active and Resting Metabolic Rate, Calculate Your Real Age & Life Expectancy, Have You Posted Pictures on the Internet? Bromine and Your Thyroid http://www.optimox.com/pics/Iodine/pdfs/IOD05.pdf, Earn Money for WAPF with Every Internet Search or Amazon Purchase. The RDA for iodine in the U.S. is a meager 150 mcg/day, which pales in comparison with the average daily intake of 13800 mcg/day for the Japanese. Read Dr. This build up can take place in the nervous system which can lead to numerous psychological symptoms; the most common symptom being acute paranoia. As always we encourage you to do your own research to find what other products might contain bromine and what alternatives there are. She enjoys learning alongside others and passing on vital information regarding this condition. 1. Anything & anyone can “MAKE A CONVINCING ARGUMENT” But just because an argument is “convincing” does not make it true too….