You can see any one of a number of Walken's weirdest characters could show up in your nightmares, so what's he afraid of?

I have to do it the only way I know how,'" he says.

He'd be bad at actual, real-life evil for a whole list of reasons: He doesn't think he'd be capable of even picking up a gun, and he's a major pacifist. Christopher Walken owns this vacation home on Block Island.

Another slightly sinister secret of Walken's?

"My wife always says to me, because she had a computer — apparently, you can look yourself up. In fact, Brando once got in touch with Walken to ask him to film a variety show with him.

I really didn't have any aspirations. Seriously, next time you see him, tell him this is the internet show the world needs. Walken once told The New York Times Magazine he learned lines by reading through them while he cooked, calling it "the power of distraction."

Deer, turkey, birds, even snakes are all welcome at the Walken homestead. "I'm a Luddite. When she talked to him in 2016, Guardian reporter Emma Brockes said Walken was so aggressively modest it made him seemingly immune to criticism.

Now, those who know Walken, know him to be an amazing character actor. ", The interview was only a few weeks after his mother's death, and she lived to the ripe old age of 104.

It’s for Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice,” and the whole thing is literally Chris Walken dancing in an empty hotel lobby.

Presumably, there was no experience needed. He doesn’t see himself moving into the world of directing after retiring. I steal. When he talked to IndieWire about When I Live My Life Over Again and the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, they also talked about one of his earliest jobs. Brando wanted to start a musical variety show set in his own home.

But there’s another secret talent the star has, too. "I've done it a lot in movies, but there are too many guns in the real world. “I have always refused to do something that has offended me. Walken has a super particular way of talking, making him ideal for impersonations. Walken is definitely in the former category, and he told Parade that one of his favorite things to do is just watch the wildlife outside the window of his Connecticut country home. Christopher Walken is one of the most famous and versatile American actors. ", “I really didn’t have any aspirations.

In real life, he said, "I'm a pussycat!"

Movies are not shot in sequence, so you could watch it and see the people in the movie getting bigger and smaller.".

I don't go to the airport." "Both my parents had heavy accents," he said. He goes on to explain that there are actors and then there are performers. He's spent enough time on movie sets to know there's a lot of really good food. "They saw me coming.". Davern later said it was a case of costars getting along too well for a jealous husband, and Wagner's rage prompted her to try to leave the yacht. There are villains he won't play, and he told The Independent he'd turn down a role playing a character who has no morals whatsoever — and he has. He has, however, thought about doing another totally watchable idea: "I thought I'd get a couple of those cameras and put them in my kitchen in Connecticut and just, you know, turn it on whenever I felt like it. Newman died in 2008, the same year he and his wife Joanne Woodward celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

"I think I smile and laugh more than most people," he said.

And I think it rubbed off."

He said he can't get used to looking the opposite direction when he's crossing the street, so it's easier just to stay in. Hall, better known by his stage name, "Moby," graduated from DHS eight years prior to Sevigny and attended UConn Storrs before dropping out and taking up work at rock music memorabilia store, Johnny's Records. But Walken takes the cooking seriously, too. He told Rolling Stone he gets frustrated when writers go back to revise a script for him, a process he calls Walkenizing.

'”, "But what they're really saying is, 'I hope somebody breaks into my house so I can use this thing.'".

"No matter what character I'm playing, it's me.

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Have you ever wondered why Walken plays the villain so well? When he was in Batman Returns, the clothing department did a preemptive strike and cleared out his dressing room while he was filming his last scene.

Write a script with a character that acts and talks the way you think he acts and talks. "They always run away with me," he said.

Fans may know this, but if you’re familiar with his work only casually, you might now realize that he dances a LOT in his roles.

The horses get it."

Also on the list of fears is swimming and flying, which he won't do if there's any other viable option. ... She was very sweet.

Brando had seen him dance in Pennies from Heaven and wanted to get in touch with his choreographer.

Walken was with them that night because he and Wood were filming the movie Brainstorm together. But he actually had a secret friendship with a true Hollywood legend.

I'm kind of the same way.". Newman may be best known as an Academy Award winning actor, but he was also a racecar driver, political activist, and food company founder who donated all business profits to charity.

I have been offered potential roles that are totally vulgar," and he doesn't think twice about turning those down.

She isn't the first to notice.

And when he's not shooting, he follows one secret rule to stay slim.

"I know people with guns, and they always say the same thing. He also adds that he writes in much the same way. He's such a distinctive character in his own right, it's almost as if he's made a career out of playing himself. Walken has more than 130 acting credits to his name (via IMDb), and it's no secret that most of those characters are a certain type.

The man contains multitudes, and one of the faces he wears is that of a very goofy comedy presence. He called the Hunters Channel the most obscene thing he'd ever seen, both because of the hunting itself and the hunters' gleeful reactions at killing a beautiful, living creature.

"Whenever I do a movie, all my clothing is from that movie set. Walken was dancing with her on stage at a club. Well, Walken has always been extremely anti-technology!