Have a backup plan. Want more KPBS news?Find us on Twitter and Facebook, or sign up for our newsletters. His primary focus is creating production still images for television, motion pictures, and editorial/lifestyle stories. James Van Evers was born on January 10, 1960 as James Van Dyke Evers. Get in the tub. And it puts you ahead of the competition.”. James has experience photographing corporate events and is a seasoned studio and location photographer. Los Angeles is not merely the backdrop for an Art Center education. They encircled their father while he bled in the driveway. You'll be safe there. You'll be safe there. But he's not complaining. Guests have included: Prince, Jay Leno, Kristen Stewart, Benedict Cumberbatch, Angelina Jolie, Sir Anthony Hopkins, James Taylor, Mary J. Blige, J.J Abrams and President Barack Obama. Here's A Look At California's 2020 Propositions, Gloria Lead Against Bry For San Diego Mayor Shrinking But Still Substantial, Huge DDT Dumping Ground Found Near Catalina, Issa, Campa-Najjar Neck And Neck For 50th Congressional Seat, San Diego County Moves Toward Dreaded ‘Purple’ Tier Of COVID-19 System, KPBS Financial And prep, prep, prep! “My job is to capture that special energy between two people,” says Van, who may be unique in the fast-paced world of TV talk shows for making sure every guest leaves with a framed print commemorating their appearance on the show. Medgar Evers was known to take a camera with him almost everywhere he went. 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James distinguishes himself in his ability to capture that rare, singular moment of a subject or scene that evokes a strong, emotional reaction from the viewer. This photo shows Myrlie and her children, Van, 9; Darrell, 16; and Rena, 14, in June 1969 in their Claremont, Calif. home. Below is a link to my website and a summary of my credentials. Photography alumnus James Van Dyke Evers (who goes by “Van”) has an especially coveted gig in entertainment as the official photographer for the L.A.-based Tavis Smiley show on PBS. He died in a local hospital an hour later. 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But Van Evers is not complaining. Production and editorial clients include BET, Sony Music, Warner Bros., Capitol Records, TVland Network, Black Enterprise Magazine, Variety Magazine TV Guide, Simon & Schuster Publications, Kraft Corp. Ford Motor Company & Spaghettini of Beverly Hills. Dr. Betty Shabazz (educator and widow of Malcolm X), Coretta Scott King (activist and widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) and Van Evers’ mother, Myrlie Evers-Williams. Thursday, November 5, 2020 at View Van Evers’ profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. In addition, has produced editorial and print advertising for a numerous of national magazines and advertising agencies.

“I don’t use my name as a tool,” he says.

Need help keeping up with the news that matters most? James Evers, Stills Photographer, Photographer, Los Angeles, USA, eyJoYXNoIjoiZTEyYmVjODFhMiIsInRpbWUiOjE2MDQ1MTAzNTUsIjAiOnsibW9kZWwiOiJQb3J0Zm9saW8iLCJtZXRob2QiOiJsb2dWaWV3IiwicGFyYW1zIjpbMTYxMTMxM119LCIxIjp7Im1vZGVsIjoiTG9ncyIsIm1ldGhvZCI6ImNhbmRpZGF0ZVBvcnRmb2xpbyIsInBhcmFtcyI6WzEwNTcyMDQsMTYxMTMxM119fQ==.

Some people have known and worked with Van for years without knowing about his connection to the civil rights leader. “But handing the guest a physical print, to hold in their hands—it means so much to that guest, and it puts a smile on their face.”. My name is James Van Evers, I’ve been the official photographer for the Tavis Smiley Show on PBS for several years. James Van Dyke Evers was only three when his father, Medgar, was assassinated in the driveway of the family's home in Jackson, Miss. Photography alumnus James Van Dyke Evers (who goes by “Van”) has an especially coveted gig in entertainment as the official photographer for the L.A.-based Tavis Smiley show on PBS. "next":"prev",x.dispatchEvent(Uo,e)):l():e.isMove&&/left|right/.test(e.swipeDirection)&&l()}function i(){w||r(),"mSlide"!==y||z.touchNav||a(),w(),/scroll/i.test(y)||l()}function n(){return 0===V.assetId}function o(){return V.assetId===S(V.section.media).length-1}function a(){z.touchNav=new Ge({events:x,mediaViewContainer:T}),z.touchNav.section=V.section&&V.section.key||"no section"}function r(){xa.section(V.section),M.scroll&&(M.scroll.destroy(),M.scroll=null),y=xa.overrides.transitionType;var t="fade"===y||"mSlide"===y? "I feel as if I gave up both of my parents to the movement," he says in a park near his Pasadena home. ", He may not have the number of memories of his father that his older siblings did, but Van Evers has inherited something significant: His father's love and aptitude for photography. They took their little brother, Van, with them to the bathroom and placed him in the tub and ran outside when they heard their mother's cries. in June 1963. “When the situation happened, we moved to Claremont,” Van recalls. Looking back he singles out instructors like Charlie Potts and Peter Suszynski and fellow students like Everard Williams and Jeff Sedlick (who both now serve on the faculty), and Neal Brown and Sean Thonson. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. More recently he became a member of the International Cinematographers Guild, Local 600, as he begins shifting gears—“I have a fire to do other things”—and moving toward a future in cinematography. You had to get the project done on time and make it look right, no excuses.”, His lasting appreciation for Art Center’s intensity is unequivocal: “It gave me nightmares,” he laughs, “but it put me where I’m at.”, Strolling through the L.A. Auto Show last fall, he happened upon Art Center’s booth and immediately recognized its caliber.

Acrobat Reader. That changed last summer, when events around the country marked the 50th anniversary of Medgar Evers’ death and Van made a number of high-profile public appearances with his mother, including at a ceremony with President Bill Clinton at the grave site in Arlington National Cemetery (movingly documented by The Washington Post photographer Marvin Thomas). Van Evers, now a handsome man with his father's height and his mother's charm, has had plenty of time to think about what's been taken from him.