This makes the reading unique – it is almost impossible to replicate. Understanding the lion is taming the lion. As might be suspected, its influence over you, and the use you put it to, can trend towards light or dark. Once you start to gain confidence you will find more direction and focus. Your strength is balanced and you have both physical endurance and mental strength. You deserve it. Your worst enemy has been yourself and only you can move past this speed bump on your journey. It also shows the body and mind coming back into balance. It is a foreboding draw in nearly any reading, however when combined with Strength the pairing is actually quite positive. You’ll know when and how to harness the power of any upcoming planetary shift or full moon, and will learn how to navigate effortlessly through upcoming retrogrades. Deliberately identify with your intuition, even if it works against the desires of your willful ego. Trusted Tarot is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 65,297 reviews. It can also be an indicator of a relationship coming up with someone who has a bit of a wild side. Your ordinary world had been mastered and the journey you are now on is based on a desire to challenge yourself and see all that life may have to offer. Fear of failure can be paralysing if you allow it to be. The past position for Strength is a particularly interesting state. In the future position, Strength is an encouragement, promising that your current troubles will soon be under control. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. Knowledge brings peace of mind. When combined with Strength, leaving your comfort is more immediately rewarding.

In a spiritual context, Strength reversed is an indicator that you have a strong connection to spirit but emotional worries a stopping you from sensing the connection. Your confidence will be rewarded with an adventurous relationship, likely with someone exciting and unconventional. Strength is always a welcomed card in a reading. You already possess the characteristics that you need to succeed in your pursuits and are ready to take the next step in life.

This can be an exciting prospect but if this person is too wild you may feel the need to tame them somewhat. You are in charge, but others do your bidding because you have made it worth their while and created a joyful context in which all of you interact. However, you have been letting your self-doubt and fear hold you back. The Strength card reversed suggests that you are in a position where you have little power to affect behavior. You cannot challenge them to live to a higher standard if you, yourself, have not yet done so. You just have to believe in yourself. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_7',140,'0','0'])); Or check out the rest of the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana in The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online!