The findings fully addressed the first goal of the study. Thanks for helping me with the complicated compliance assignment. Taherdoost, H. (2017) “Determining sample size; How to calculate survey sample size”, International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2 (1), pp. 4851 0 obj <>stream ... Employability skills are the non-technical skills and knowledge necessary for effective participation in work. Such an approach to data analysis process allowed the researcher to verify the 3 hypotheses proposed for the investigation. Nonetheless, being relevant to the main condition of the investigation, the whole sample of the survey participants contained only responses of the young specialists that had their work experience limited to the three-year period.

Useful findings could be reached by studying relevant academic literature on hospitality and graduates’ employability, and by empirical data analysis. This stance neglects unique and individual opinions (Matusov et al., 2019). It should be underlined that in 2018 the hospitality sector placed third in the report evaluating industries in the UK according to the total employment numbers. When discussing employability for new graduates, Zain et al.

The authors failed to differentiate between these categories when discussing their findings, thus reducing validity and reliability (Sadik, 2017). Office for National Statistics (2017) “Graduates in the UK labour market: 2017”, [online] Available at: [Accessed on 11 September 2019]. (2019) What is Scientific Knowledge? The theory did not specifically emphasise employability for graduates.

(2018) did not rank the identified characteristics. Assessing existing criteria of employability may inform the job seeking behaviours of graduates and improve the efficacy of recruitment for hospitality firms. It helps in boosting the employability among the individuals who want to reduce the rate of unemployment. • Key activities to improve student employability ¡ Key basic skills ¡ Transferable skills: writing, research, initiative, leadership ¡ Job-specific skills – the right skills, the right way ¡ Identifying and addressing skill gaps ¡ Building confidence and leadership ability ¡ Help and advice with finding work

(2018) “University Tourism Management Graduates’ Employment and Employability”. (2018).

This chapter of the dissertation reviews the key academic literature on the topic of employability within the hospitality sector. The findings were also indicative of the works of Hedvicakova (2018), Sarmiento and Siccion (2018), Sotiriadis (2018), and Wakelin-Theron et al. (2019) was relevant to the study. 0000034148 00000 n Ŭv0�c'��hE��. )b*��_��G�l�)�)�Nm�����AJF����9bsX�7��~��ڕ��w�dX����8X������iZ]A^�eT^���fS��2��:\dP��kT&~f%���`�Z��-C�8*�8�2{�d��jՎ-~&|� ;7�`�����I��5����:o��ۛ���`}n��Cِ[��BbJh0.�+����:WY��?�����J�t�6 n,J:�7Ep��j���L�������tS+��j�,������F�1\�+��)��. As demonstrated in the following figure, 39.3% chose the ‘2017’ response option when asked about the year in which they had completed their hospitality management programmes. = 0.001; B = 0.625) had a statistically significant impact on employer’s satisfaction with graduates. (2018) “A three-way partnership model of tourism graduate employability”, Collaboration & Co-creation Opportunities in Tourism, 5 (1), pp. The authors proposed a coherent list of the determinants of employability but were unable to detect any underlying categories explaining the resulting model (Blokker et al., 2019). 0000047290 00000 n

This was consistent with the explanations provided by Hedvicakova (2018). Studying valid knowledge, epistemology (Sosa et al., 2019) explores specific ways of transferring acceptable knowledge (Saunders et al., 2016).

Shivoro’s et al. The following equations were developed to apply linear regression (Hill et al., 2018) to the three dependent variables. Jaykumar, P. (2018) “Hospitality management institutes - the skills training industry perspective”, Journal of Services Research, 18 (2), pp.

The attainment of this goal depends on the following secondary objectives. Involving a wide range of specialists and young professionals, Wakelin-Theron et al. The following table focuses on how quickly the participants found their first jobs. Quantitative questionnaire data was used to achieve the research objectives. While searching for the perfect job profile, many teenagers lack in passion, learning skills, and experience. 0000039498 00000 n

(2019) did not give a clear explanation of career shocks intensity and frequency levels. H3. 0000034302 00000 n The difference between the EU and the UK was equal to exactly 4%.

An employer’s satisfaction with hospitality graduates’ competence should be viewed as a significant criterion of employment in this dissertation. (Hons) – University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), 2002 The data was indicative of the needs of the hospitality sector companies. (2020) noted that a lack of employability-focused education was one of the main issues affecting this industry. Lohr, S. L. (2019) Sampling: Design and Analysis: Design and Analysis, London: Chapman and Hall/CRC.

The study uses a quantitative research strategy to collect primary data from young specialists in the hospitality industry.

You guys are great. Gray, D. and Kinnear, P. (2012) IBM SPSS 19 Statistics Made Simple, Hove: Psychology Press. Title: Title: Be organized. These outcomes were in line with the findings of Shivoro‘s et al. The responders are graduates who finished their hospitality management programmes within the last 3 years. The findings suggested that critical thinking, enterprising skills, flexibility, interpersonal skills and problem solving abilities were among the most sufficiently developed soft skills of young graduates. The results stated that modern hospitality firms presented a challenging work environment. Relying on the work of Saunders’s et al. 0000046530 00000 n Therefore, the survey method (Lorenc et al., 2018) is applicable to this particular topic. Flexibility, problem solving skills, marketing competencies and interpersonal skills all passed the criterion of statistical significance. Kara, H. (2018) Write a Questionnaire: Little Quick Fix, London: SAGE.

This could be highly significant when preparing young specialists who are able to fill job vacancies. Indicators of Employability Skills10. This indicated that social communications were the basis of the task perceptions held by young graduates. That determined the hospitality graduates’ need to be professionally prepared at their universities for their rapid recruitment. Comparing the sum of the percentages for the “Above average” and the “Advanced” options for questions 8 (51.7%) and 9 (64.3%), it can be concluded that majority of the young workers were satisfied with their critical thinking skills. However, this has to be complemented by employers drawing the attention of educationists to the actual demands of the hospitality market to develop and use the relevant curricula to prepare students to take on positions in the hospitality sector.

A similar point could be made for the skillsets needed in the rural hospitality sector as defined by Adeyinka-Ojo (2018). 41.1% of the sample chose the response option ‘Average’ while the same percentage was equal to 1.8% for the answer ‘Poor’.

Some skills are specified to get particular, but the majority of skills are necessary for getting a job in any employment sector. To establish hospitality management graduates’ perceptions of their employment within the first 3 years after graduation. A deeper discussion was proposed to 12 academic experts, managers and owners of businesses in the tourism industry along with tourism graduates who had work experience in the hospitality sector. The 4 criteria originally mentioned by Lee and Saunders (2017) were chosen as the sample inclusion criteria. While 53.6% of the sample participants were male, the remaining percentage was distributed among females (42.9%) and those respondents who preferred not to mention their gender (3.6%). Thanks a lot for helping me with the engineering communication II essay paper. Hospitality management students can try to find relevant jobs for developing and performing marketing skills. Allen, M. Supporting the trend of distinguishing between soft and hard skills, Adeyinka-Ojo (2018) attempted to apply the same approach to their investigation. I really appreciate your work. Sc. Employability Planning Worksheet (Appendix 1)10. (2018) “Soft skills, hard skills, and individual innovativeness”, Eurasian Business Review, 8 (2), pp. By contrast, graduates had lower employability, thus raising the issue of how exactly employability could be measured in the UK hospitality setting. ��T�1@�ǚ=u,ypTcW�ڲQ�����1�]�m��F�r�ϰF̟��'�r�-�x^E�'2��B��C8�e�dÑ��J �m�|JE8޼˴�� /��O6 �O��"�]y����-��������9S��EH?A�M���� h��V������"��UK�ݷ���̲F Critical thinking (2.1786) and interpersonal skills (2.3750) were displayed as the strongest skills among soft skills. In 2nd International Conference on Tourism Research, pp.

That could be achieved by comparing higher education institutions teachers’ and employers’ approaches to the problem of improving graduates’ employability skills. Making a conclusion, it should be underlined that only the connection between the young specialists’ developed marketing skills and their willingness to prolong their current employment at the first work was statistically approved among all hypothetical assumptions.