Et c'est visiblement efficace : fin septembre, le groupe a confirmé qu'il continuerait à assembler sa gamme d'ordinateurs Mac Pro au Texas, après avoir obtenu une exemption de droits de douane sur les composants clefs qu'il fait fabriquer en Chine. After completing high school, Gerald worked for the Internal Revenue Service. Those images are worlds away from the surreal carnage Trump describes in stump speeches or the paranoid belligerence he’s brought to the US border. ». “That’s why he’s a great executive because he calls me, and others don’t.”. newsletter, tens of billions of dollars in corporate taxes, steered Trump away from putting those tariffs in place, storing iCloud data on Chinese government servers. Cook responded in a joking manner, changing his Twitter name to "Tim Apple," compete with an emoji of the eponymous fruit. Même Tim Cook, qui était assis juste à côté de Donald Trump, a préféré prendre cet incident à la légère, en remplaçant son nom de famille par le logo Apple sur son profil Twitter. He has become the first openly gay CEO on the Fortune 500 list. Axios rapporte que les donateurs présents dans la salle étaient désorientés. Apple is a trillion-dollar company with more than 100,000 employees; Cook’s job as CEO is to ensure the success of that enterprise, regardless of the political obstacles or personal disgrace. So there are no new plants being built, and Apple isn’t contributing any more or less to US manufacturing than it did under President Obama. These are the kinds of compromises powerful people make all the time.

Pour cultiver le contact avec la Maison-Blanche, Tim Cook passe aussi du temps dans les programmes en faveur de l'emploi montés par la fille du président.

Under his leadership, Apple has a brand value of US$ 118 billion. Without a content empire to moderate or an ad network to maintain, Apple has largely stayed out of the contemporary political maelstrom, which has done so much damage to Google and Facebook. Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke at the White House on Wednesday about the various people they've been employing at the company and how half of their U.S. employees don't have four year degrees. And they’re investing a lot of money over and above that. "The Fake News was disparagingly all over this, & it became yet another bad Trump story!". Michael is the youngest of the 3 brothers. Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke at the White House on Wednesday about the various people they've been employing at the company and how half of their U.S. employees don't have four year degrees.Cook joined the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board last month to advise the president on issues affecting workers.Cook has in the past been one of Trump's critics in Silicon Valley, opposing the White House on immigration, climate change and more. Tim Cook is unmarried. Et peu importe que le président ne se souvienne pas toujours de son nom - en mars dernier, Donald Trump l'a appelé « Tim Apple », dans une séquence vidéo devenue virale. In fact, Trump has been cultivating Cook since before his inauguration.

And reporting suggests that Cook has steered Trump away from putting those tariffs in place, making the valid point that it will put US companies like Apple at a disadvantage to foreign competitors like Samsung. At every Apple keynote, we’re treated to inspiring videos about Apple’s progressive vision of the world, full of diverse faces and progressive dreams. However, Cook does not seem to have been a Trump supporter. Apple CEO Tim Cook will be spending the afternoon of November 20th making conversation with President Donald Trump. WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump says he didn't make a mistake when he referred to Apple CEO Tim Cook as "Tim Apple," but did so as a time-saving measure – … Trump boasted about having dinner with Cook as recently as August, and he says he regularly receives direct calls from the man. And when I first heard it — Tim Cook and I spoke.

It’s going to be something special. In both cases, Apple has emerged with exactly what it wanted by appealing to the narrow, transactional politics that have become Trump’s trademark. The company entered 2017 with more than $230 billion in offshore holdings, waiting for a Republican president to lower corporate taxes so it could be brought into the US at a substantially lower rate. Tim Cook censurerait les créateurs des séries du futur Netflix d'Apple, Sheryl Sandberg réplique au patron d'Apple après les tacles de Tim Cook sur Facebook, Tim Cook vient de préciser la position d'Apple sur les 'fake news', Donald Trump est élu 'personnalité de l'année' par le magazine américain Time, Tim Cook, le DG d'Apple, est maintenant milliardaire, Ce time-lapse de la NASA montre 10 ans de la vie du Soleil, De Tim Cook à Elon Musk, voici les réactions des patrons de la tech aux manifestations contre les violences policières, Selon Tim Cook, la 5G n'en est qu'à ses débuts, même si Samsung ou Huawei vendent déjà des smartphones compatibles, Tim Cook a lancé une pique subtile à Mark Zuckerberg en disant que la réalité augmentée n'isolait pas les gens, Tim Cook a gagné 200 fois le salaire médian chez Apple l'an dernier, J'ai essayé de me réveiller à 3h45 du matin pendant une semaine comme Tim Cook et j'ai été étonnamment productif, Le DG d'Apple Tim Cook estime que l'exploitation de données personnelles sous prétexte de progrès est un 'compromis trompeur'. The president has reciprocated, mentioning Cook in dozens of public statements in the three years since he was elected. Tim Cook, dont Donald Trump critiquait pendant la campagne la vision « progressiste », n'a toutefois pas renoncé à afficher son opposition à certaines politiques de la Maison-Blanche.