If there is a suspicion that your pet has encountered mothballs, a visit to the clinic is imperative. What should I do about this, I pick them up, neighbor puts them back out. Mothball poisoning can have a good prognosis if dealt with quickly and aggressively. Adrienne is a certified dog trainer, behavior consultant, former veterinarian assistant, and author of Brain Training for Dogs. Is it that difficult to be responsible for your own lives or even God help us your children and pets also? We got home and saw them torn apart with some of the box gone. We don't know what to do or how to get her treated or if it is too late to have her treated. Paradichlorobenzene is considered to be about half as toxic as naphthalene, though both can cause toxicity and symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, and tremors. So, that being said, which bugs are harmful to dogs and which ones shouldn’t be cause for concern? If you do smell it then take the dog to the vet. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. My neighbor puts mothballs all around her yard you can smell it as soon as you step out the door we have a crazy overpopulation of strays both cats and dogs but the 2 at she approaches it is horrendous knowing that it can kill them is there any legal action that can be taken?? My vet is unavailable and we don't have a dog hospital anywhere near us.. what can I do to help her, Older mothballs contain naphthalene which is more toxic to dogs than ‘newer’ mothballs, it is important to induce vomiting with 3% hydrogen peroxide if any mothballs were consumed and to administer activated charcoal afterwards every four hours. As far as a dog’s preference for eating or licking, dogs may eat almost anything; you wouldn’t believe what we’ve retrieved from dog’s stomachs before.

Ideally you should visit an Emergency Veterinary Hospital regardless of distance as the older types of mothballs may cause anemia, tremors, seizures, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite among other symptoms; brown gums is very serious and if Vega’s gums are brown you should visit a Veterinarian immediately (again regardless of distance).

Help, My Dog Ate Mothballs!

Placing mothballs in a garden, attic space or garbage can in an attempt to discourage creatures like raccoons, snakes, birds, and squirrels is entirely erroneous and presents a danger to wildlife and in turn, to domesticated pets like cats and dogs. Any chance you can give her a head's up of what a horrendous death they may cause and how they even pose a risk to children and the environment? What happen to a dog after eating a mothball. http://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/poison/mothballs/. She seems very active and normal, would a dog generally try to eat it if they smell it and/or lick it? Sometimes, preventing our pets from chasing and eating bugs is not possible, but if you’ve suspected your dog is having an allergic or internal reaction, call a veterinarian immediately. These types of bugs can cause stomach worms. Bed bugs are extremely common in humans beds, but they’re also known to hide in your dog’s beds so just be aware of this. Contact Gary Roberts at 405-942-6321, or garyrob@acenitec.com. January 2005;100(1):24-28.

The symptoms of naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene toxicity are different too. A gastric lavage may be performed by a veterinarian within 30–60 minutes after ingestion.

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This can make them very sick. “Look out for insects that feed on feces, like crickets, cockroaches and grubs,” warn the vets at the Central Oklahoma Humane Society. If they've ingested it, symptoms may take a few hours to show, and continuous long term exposure may take several days for signs to appear. Plus, medication like Drontal Allwormer don’t exist for no reason. It's fine.

Remember, Acenitec uses pet-friendly insecticides for your home. jodi munden, New zealand on April 17, 2017: This is to the person identified as liberals suck. Moth Repellent Toxicosis. The more colorful the insect, the greater likelihood of toxicity to your pet.