), Matching Teaching Style to Learning Style May Not Help Students, The Chronical of Higher education, Available Internet http://chronicle.com/article/Matching-Teaching-Style-to-/49497/ Guidelines for responding to learner diversity in the classroom through curriculum and assessment policy statements (2011), Directorate Inclusive Education, Department of Basic Education, preoria South Africa. Get a verified writer to help you with Diversity in the Classroom, (Tomlinson, C. A., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C. M., Moon, T. R., Brimijoin, K., Conover, L. A. and Reynolds, T. 2003). I spoke to Dr. Benson on how he promoted positive social interaction between student and he mentioned that he kept an atmosphere of fun and he tried his best to keep the students busy. For instance, when a high school student is repetitively sharing undesirable observations in an open lecture, the educator can address this student with class expectations along with an action plan that will ensure win-win scenario for each party. In addition, the strategy will enable students to reflect critically on choices they need to modify to align them with classroom expectations. The article begins by stating its opinion on this matter, which is described in the article as unlawful and unjust. By 2020, the Hispanic, Asian, and African American labor force are all supposed to make up 18.6, 5.7, and 12.0 percent, respectively (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). He allowed them to see how grammar changes the meaning of a sentence, which gave it value in the eyes of he students. Samantha Meyer ELED 320 Argumentative essay Addressing language diversity in the classroom Elementary teachers are finding it more and more common to have diverse classrooms filled with students who have disabilities as well as students who come from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. 4.9

Every classroom in a school normally has different students. The author strongly believes that it is unfair for CEO’s to be paid so highly, and on top of that to be able to utilize tax strategies that create even more wealth for them. In an instance where students have sensory processing disorders, it is normally essential to remind them of the progress within the class repetitively.

I watched as Dr. Benson encouraged them by creating a more intimate learning environment by sitting close to the student while he/she attempted to understand the material. Ultimately, we as teachers need to nurture students, and expose them to a variety of learning styles, despite our own preferences, enabling them to become independent learners. Gender was the first sign of diversity I noticed in the students. This strategy involves having a comprehensive curriculum, quality teaching and helping students solve problems, for example, problems connected with behavior. 2.2. Journal for Education Reform in Namibia, v.8, 8p. This classroom management focuses on meeting the basic needs of students. As an educator, I need to be aware of the inequity and inequality some of my students may face.

600-800 Words with at least two scholarly references. I will also want to diminish the sociocultural, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical systems of privileged and marginalized groups of people. I observed Dr. Andrew Bensons english classes to see what role diversity played in classroom setting. American College of Education If they assume that every student, Urbancova, Cermakova, & Vostrska states that “Diversity is a phenomenon which is increasingly manifesting itself in the globalized society; therefore, it is observable in various areas of human activity, and thus also in the labor market and work teams. Teaching students with special needs is a prime example, often requiring assistance from specialist aids. STEP I CAN TAKE WHEN MANAGING DIVERSITY AT AN ORGANIZATION .......... 3 © 2020 EssaysWriters.com. The student flourished because the attention was not given to the exceptionality but instead, toward the question the student answered on the board. Although there are numerous approaches for the educator to adopt, educators need to narrow down classroom management strategies on the basis of values of education and align them with the student’s needs. Boosta Ltd - 10 Kyriakou Matsi, Liliana building, office 203, 1082, Nicosia, Cyprus. I am a quick learner and am not afraid to jump into a task head first. It then requires that you make sense of the experience- that you come to an understanding of it. DEFINING MY TEAM............................................................................................ 3 By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Categories Classroom, Diversity, Diversity In The Classroom, Education, Human, Intelligence.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. 2.4. When students learn that destructive behavior is followed by punishment, such students will think critically. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges define diversity through the various classes: race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and age (“Statement on Diversity”) European Journal of Teachr Education, 29(3), 305-318. No student felt out of place and I believed it was because they felt accepted and not judged. “Visual/Spatial” learners prefer pictures and images; “Aural” learners prefer sound and music; “Verbal/Linguistic” learners prefer words in writing and speech;... ...In the article, “Executive Excess 2008: How Average Taxpayers Subsidize Runaway Pay,” by author Sarah Anderson, the author takes a look into top CEO compensation plans and how the rich are saving on taxes.

This plays a critical role in evoking critical thinking from students. This strategy enables the teacher to focus on daily problems encountered by the students. I am an outdoorsman that enjoys hunting and fishing with my family,... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Classroom management based on Kounin’s theory is a result of the teacher’s behavior as much as it is a result of the student’s behavior. Teaching today is considered more demanding and complex than ever due to an increasing diversity in classrooms based on preferences, interests, gender, cultural backgrounds, special needs and learning styles (Civitillo, Denessen, & Molenaar, 2016). As the students entered the classroom no student seemed to stand out from the next student. Some students may have learning disabilities or societal adversities that may prevent them from thriving in a learning environment where everyone is treated equally. Diversity in the classroom inevitably creates complexities for teachers in formulating learning and teaching models that suit their specific context, situation, and the students varying needs. laid on the concept starting in the 20th century and in the 21st century, the concept has reciprocal teaching, cognitive apprenticeships, and communities of learners] which incorporate this notion. Please thank the ones who handled my order and let them know that I will definitely do business with EssaysWriters.com again.

Finally, Methods of presentation is at the heart of catering to diverse array of learners. Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student, Readiness, Interest and Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classroom: A review of Liteature. Type: It is important to understand the interpretations and meanings of the term and, like every concept, the understanding of it is closely linked to the context that is found. ASSEMBLE THE NECESSARY RESOURCES .................................................... 3 Most students have a preferred learning style, but are not solely dependent on one style. Learning involves you taking in the world around you and connecting to what you are experiencing. I think melting pot of diversity can be scary if not handled in, Classroom diversity is a benefit for students and the classroom environment. “Visual/Spatial” learners prefer pictures and images; “Aural” learners prefer sound and music; “Verbal/Linguistic” learners prefer words in writing and speech; “Physical/Kinesthetic” learners prefer the use of touch, movement & action, and “Logical” learners prefer reasoning and sequence. Some researchers, agreeing that learning styles are important, suggest that teachers should match instruction to the content being taught rather than the preferred learning style of the student (Glenn, D. 2009). Very few teachers will have the knowledge and understanding of every form of diversity within their classroom.

Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 27(2/3), 119-145. For example, a student may be distracted in the course of the day, but he/she will have to follow the procedures laid down. All rights reserved. Walker, S. (2010) (n.p. (Tomlinson et al. As teachers who are Christian, our aim should not be to directly preach about Christianity. Through the aid of variety and choice, teachers can differentiate, Diversity in the classroom means realizing that every student is unique in their own way.

The difference between equality and equity is equality is giving every student in the classroom the same instructional strategy.

According to this classroom management strategy, an educator needs to execute discipline as a consequence for students that continue to apply poor judgment. Covenant Christian School Sydney Available Internet http://www.whychristianschools.com.au/wcs/teachers-influence.html The Role of the Christian Teacher (2013) (n.p.) Gender was the first sign of diversity I noticed in the students. Do learning styles matter? The course text supports the assumption that all students can learn. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012), projects that this group will compose 62.3 percent of the labor force in 2020, a decline of 5.2 percent. How about receiving a customized one? Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their, Essay on Elsie and Her Mother in Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Essay on General George Washington and The Continental Army, Albert Camus and His Views on Existentialism Essay.